2024-2025 Academic Year Tuition & Fees
Per Term | Per Year | |
Tuition | $18,890 | $56,670 |
Fees | $104 | $312 |
Housing* | $2,108 | $6,324 |
Meal Plan** | $2,006 | $6,018 |
Total | $23,108 | $69,324 |
*Double room rate
**19 Meal Swipes per Week + $125 Culinary Cash per Term
Other Estimated Expenses
Per Term | Per Year | |
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment | $300 | $900 |
Transportation | $150 - $400 | $450 - $1,200 |
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses* | $400 | $1,200 |
*A portion of the estimated personal expenses includes a food allowance for 3 meals per day not covered by the university meal plan.
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