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Vienna - Music

Austria -

Tags: Music, Music Composition & Arranging, Music Education and Pedagogy, Music Ensemble Performance, Music History, Music Repertoire-Perf Study, Music Theory, Musicology


IES Vienna - Music offers a comprehensive music curriculum featuring individual music instruction, history, and theory, as well as a Music Performance Workshop (audition required) and music-related internship options. Along with music, students take German language instruction and can choose additional electives from a broad range of area studies courses in the humanities and social studies. Most area studies courses are taught in English, but students with advanced German proficiency may also choose to pursue integrated study at the Universität Wien.


No language pre-requisite. Students registering for the Music Performance Workshop must audition on-site.

For more information:

Important Details

Duration and Application Information:

Offering Duration: Semester
Offering Note: Students opting to take classes at the Universität Wien must plan on staying for the academic year.

Direct admission is available for this program.

Language(s) of Coursework:

Note: This program scales foreign language intensity to match individual abilities
Primary: English
Secondary: German

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