Business and the greater good courses ask you to think critically about the choices that confront businesses today and how businesses might contribute to the greater good. These courses include some with a focus on environmental sustainability, or corporate social responsibility, or particular issues such as the impact of business and entrepreneurship on marginalized communities.

As a BUEN major, you will be challenged to develop the ability to see the commercial world from various perspectives, and equipped to be thoughtful about the connections between business, culture, community, and the natural environment. Those connections will appear in the introductory Business and Society course, and also in other courses throughout the major, but they will be the focal point of courses that fulfill the business and the greater good requirement.

Current courses for the Business and the greater good requirement:

History of Black Business in 20th Century America (HIST 307/BUEN 307)

This course focuses on the history of African-American entrepreneurship, the American Civil Rights movement, and legal history relevant to Black business development. The course begins with a discussion of the African origins of Black business, follows the trajectory of African American entrepreneurship in the United States to the Civil Rights movement, and closes with the emergence of the superstar Black athlete as an entrepreneur and the Hip Hop Superstar as an entrepreneur in late 20th century America. The course will conclude with a discussion of present-day laws and legal decisions impacting African-American entrepreneurship.
Units: 6
Also listed as History 307, Ethnic Studies 307

Introduction to Environmental Policy (ENST/ECON/GOVT 151)

This course applies principles of economics and political science to environmental issues, including pollution, resource limitation, and environmental degradation. It is designed to foster an understanding of the environmental policy-making and regulatory process in the United States and globally.
Also listed as Environmental Studies 151, Economics 151

Environmental Politics (ENST 470/GOVT 465)

An examination of selected aspects of environmental policy in the United States. Topics include the historical development of US environmental policy, environmental justice, urban environmental issues, connections between food systems and the environment, and the application of economic reasoning to environmental policy making. PREREQUISITES: ENST 151 and junior standing, or consent of instructor
Also listed as Environmental Studies 470
Prerequisite: ENST 151 and junior standing, or consent of instructor

Global Environmental Politics (ENST/GOVT 270/GLST 271)

This course provides an examination of the environment as an issue in world politics. Emphasis will be placed on the role of both state and non-state actors (i.e., the UN, NGOs) in global environmental regimes that are designed to deal with global warming, ozone depletion, and other environmental issues. Particular attention will be paid to the positions taken by both developed and developing countries. As part of the course, students will participate in a simulation of an international negotiation on an environmental issue.
Also listed as Environmental Studies 270, Global Studies 271
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or ENST 150 or GOVT 110

Ethical Issues in Business Today (BUEN 365)

Students will engage with how ethics, values, and business practices influence each other in contemporary society. Through writing about and discussing ethical dilemmas and conflicting values, students will learn about classic frameworks for thinking about these issues, and they may also refine their own value systems. Readings and cases will present conflicting views on capitalism, business, and the role of ethics, and will thus invite a variety of viewpoints. The course will feature business leaders as guest speakers who will bring real world case studies into the classroom. 
Units: 6
Prerequisite: At least one introductory course in BUEN and sophomore standing

Workplace Diversity and Equity (ETST 342/BUEN 342)

This course will critically examine diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) practices in the workplace as part of a longer history of public relation campaigns adopted by businesses to improve their public image. We will learn about DEIB initiatives, investigate the importance of entrepreneurship to communities of color; explore how organizations aim to support diverse groups; examine efforts to recruit and retain workers from underrepresented groups; analyze case studies of commodity activism designed to attract consumers; and talk to local business owners about the ways their own diverse identity and/or their DEIB initiatives have impacted the workplaces they manage. Students will have the opportunity to participate in community engaged learning by engaging with a number of local business owners, DEIB practitioners, consultants, and experts in the field.
Also listed as Ethnic Studies 342
