Asian Pacific Heritage Month serves as an occasion to honor the diverse contributions made by generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders, who have profoundly shaped America's past and continue to play a pivotal role in its future. This month provides us with an opportunity to deepen our understanding of their challenges and accomplishments.

Asian students dancing in traditional attire during Cabaret


May 11 - 13 I All Day I Warch Gallery |
PAO in collaboration with LUNA

May 16 I 6:30 PM I Memorial Hall 114 |
PAO in collaboration with LUNA

May 13 I 5:00 PM I D&IC |
PAO in collaboration with Beta Theta Pi

May 18 I 5:00 PM I Mudd Library 401 |
PAO in collaboration with Prism

May 25 I 5:00 PM I Memorial Hall 105 |
PAO in collaboration with D&IC and International House