Required for the minor in statistics and data science
Two core courses:
CMSC/STAT 205: Data-Scientific Programming
STAT 255: Statistics for Data Science
Two statistics and data science electives from the list of:
CMSC/STAT 208: Machine Learning
CMSC/STAT 405: Advanced Data Computing
STAT 450: Bayesian Statistics
STAT 455: Advanced Statistical Modeling
Two courses from the following list. (Students may substitute other classes involving data analysis with approval from the department of mathematics, statistics, and computer science).
ANTH 207: Quantitative Analysis in Anthropology
BIOL 280: Integrative Biology: Experimental Design and Statistics
BIOL 360: Introduction to Bioinformatics
BIOL 375: Biostatistics
BIOL 380: Ecological Modeling
CHEM 210 / CHEM 211 Analytical Chemistry and Statistical Methods in Analytical Chemistry
CMSC 140: Introduction to Programming with Python
CMSC 210: Introduction to Scientific Programming
CMSC 470: Artificial Intelligence
ECON 223: Quantitative Decision Making
ECON 380: Econometrics
ECON 481: Advanced Econometrics & Modeling
ENST 235 / GEOS 214: Climate and Climate Change
ETST 302: Research Methods in Ethnic Studies
GOVT 271: Research Methods in Political Science
GOVT 538: Outside the Margin of Error: Polling and Quantitative Prediction in Modern Politics
MATH 340: Probability
PSYCH 280: Research Methods I
PSYCH 281: Research Methods II
PSYC 284: Research Methods in Psychology
PSYC 340: Cognitive Psychology (with Laboratory)
PSYC 342: Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 343: Cognitive Neuroscience with Laboratory
STAT 445: Mathematical Statistics
STAT 450: Bayesian Statistics
Additional Stipulations:
No more than one of ANTH 207 and BIOL 280 may count toward the minor.
The minor requires a total of six distinct courses. Thus, courses that are listed twice above (such as STAT 450) may count toward one, but not both requirements.
No more than three courses, counting toward any one major or other minor, may be counted toward the minor.
Students who complete the Statistics track of the Mathematics major may not also minor in statistics and data science.