*content provided by Friends of Bjorklunden members
If you haven’t already contributed to Björklunden this year, please consider a year-end contribution. Any gift is appreciated! A gift of $250 or more makes you a Boynton Society giving level member and entitles you to a two-week early sign-up window for summer seminars and an invitation to the Boynton Society Gala on August 10, 2024. to make an online contribution. Thank you for considering it, for being a Friend, and for sharing the love of this special place.
Special thanks to members from the Friends of Björklunden Leadership Team who pooled a match challenge for giving day, and for all who contributed and made Giving Day such a success for LU’s north campus. Altogether, 183 contributors pledged a total of $116,665.74 to Björklunden on Giving Day 2023, a remarkable achievement. We are overwhelmed with this amazing showing of support. Thank you so much! Your contributions will help us upgrade facilities and sustain excellence in our programs on this beautiful campus.